Friday, August 12, 2016

belief in Conspiracy Theories and belief that world is Chaotic, Complex, Dynamic don't go together

Counter-intuitively, I argue that Donald Trump supporters, for example, don't really see the world as complex and chaotic, though they are quick to say they do.

I, for example, actually do fully believe that the world is unbelievably complex, dynamic, even chaotic at times - but I hold a relaxed and sceptic view of all conspiracy theories thrown up by family members and friends.

To be blunt, I don't see how in such a complex, chaotic, contrary world, it is possible for a tiny group of invisible string pullers to manage to control an entire chaotic contrary minded world and yet somehow also keep it totally secret at the same time.

In the real world, trains are always late, friends and lovers always fall out, harried staffers are always sending out top secret emails to the Democrat Stacey Miller instead of the Republican Stacey Miller they were supposed to go to, etc.

Instead we find that the conspiracy-minded feel the world deep down is actually quite simple, knowable, predictable and that if only a few non-partisan experts instead of a bunch of nattering politicians, were allowed to examine the issues they would find the correct answers.

Those correct answers, are needless to say, the views held by these people who disdain the messy consensus compromise process of actual democracy and want to limit democracy to a simple "government: in/out ?" decision from themselves every four years.

If the world, deep down, is actually quite simple and so democracy, the marketplace, popular taste, etc are actually only a sham of surface complexity, then of course, it is quite simple for a handful of invisible people to pull its simple strings .....

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