Like many of you, I was a great admirer of the the Australian blog "Watching the Deniers".
Mike's blog started out closely monitoring those who denied the existence of man-made climate change but he quickly discovered that the people who denies this also denied a whole host of things.
On the surface at least, it is hard to know what this variegated bunch of tin hats won't deny : starting with the birth of Christ and ending with the denial of any smoke at Auschwitz.
I too had always accepted that that climate denying was only part of the mental state within this crowd, because deep down I thought there was actually a common thread to their denials.
It was that they all denied the possibility that Man couldn't usually successfully predict (and hence control and alter) the future.
Once you already know all the correct answers of the future, as Hitler and Stalin thought they did, it is no problem to cherish them and then liquidate all the incorrect answers as "lives unworthy of life in the predicted future."
In a word, today's diversity deniers were a (large) saving remnant of old timey Pure Modernity, lurking about in our shiny new era of Diversity modernity.
I believe God (others prefer the term 'Mother Nature') made the Universe a very large, very old, very complex, very dynamic place and no one biological key can possibility fit perfectly into its zillions of unique keyholes or niches, spread over many billions of years and many zillions of miles.
That is why God (or Mother Nature) made s many species and sub species and why He (or She) allowed and even encouraged so many deviant defective deficient different individuals within each species and sub species.
We are all part of a very wide 'investment portfolio of biological assets' for a reason - ensuring our continued survival under complex changing circumstances.
Selective breeding some and selectively murdering others, to render us down to one pure essence of multi-niche filling Humanity will simply not work biologically - just as it sadly hasn't worked for the diversity-deniers' favourite purebred dog, the English Bulldog.
There are always people strongly or at least somewhat opposed to the spirit of any era : perhaps as much as 40%.
Often this is a quiet hidden opposition but then at times of crisis it might arise and go public.
The current rapid rise of Donald Trump, Breitbart News and of the global Alt-White (they prefer Alt-Right, but I call it as I see it) is one such occasion.
In their addled minds at least, they still live in the protestant white man's world of Pure Modernity and still fail totally to see the biological case for diversity.
They basically only see Christ's supposedly moral case for diversity which they reject, but obliquely, because after all most all claim to be Christians.
But my book and blog argues that the moral case was also based on the biological case because after all God/Mother Nature deliberately created both (a) this excitingly dangerous different dynamic diverse world and then (b) put us and all other living beings into that chaos ---- for a reason.
Perhaps God gave the non-living world as much free will, in effect, as the living world because without it there would be effectively no free will for anyone.
I do not know.
I just know that the world is diverse, we need to be equally diverse to survive in it and those who deny diversity, also deny life and reality....
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